Information disclosure

Liaoning Special Office issued No. 82 [2012]

Rules for the Implementation of Information Disclosure in Transportation Colleges of Liaoning Province (Trial)

Chapter I General rules

Article one In order to ensure that teachers, students, staff and other relevant organizations or individuals obtain information about our school in accordance with the law,Improve the transparency of school work,Promote law-based governance of schools,Promote democracy in running schools,Standardize school information disclosure,According to the relevant provisions of the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information and the Measures for the Disclosure of Information of Institutions of Higher Learning,Combine school work practice,These Rules for Implementation have been formulated。

Article 2 The term "information" as mentioned in these Detailed Rules refers to the information produced, produced and obtained by the school in the course of education, teaching, scientific research and social services, recorded and stored in a certain form, and shall be disclosed in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of these Detailed Rules。

Article 3 These Rules shall apply to all departments, departments directly under and affiliated departments of the University。

Article 4 All departments of the school shall establish and improve the coordination mechanism for information release。If the information released involves other departments, it shall communicate and confirm with the relevant departments to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the information released。

Article 5 Information disclosed by various departments of the University shall not endanger national security, public security, economic security, social stability and campus security and stability。
Any department or individual of the university who finds false information or incomplete information that is not conducive to the stability of the campus and society shall promptly report it to the Office of Information Disclosure, and the relevant department of the university shall timely release accurate information to clarify it within the scope of its responsibilities。

Chapter II Work organization and duties

Article 6   The University has established a leading group for information disclosure, which is responsible for leading, promoting, guiding, coordinating and supervising the work of information disclosure。The leader of the leading group is the secretary of the Party Committee and the president of the university, the deputy leader is the deputy university-level leader in charge of publicity work, personnel work, and office work, and the members are composed of the heads of the Party and government office, the Party Committee work Department, the Human Resources Department, the Finance Department, the State Assets Department and other departments。

Article 7  The school information disclosure work leading group consists of a supervision group and an office。

Article VIII   The supervision group of information disclosure work is set up in the Commission for Discipline Inspection and is responsible for supervision and inspection of information disclosure work。The members of the supervision group are the heads of the Discipline inspection Commission, the supervision and audit Office, the trade union, the Youth League Committee and other departments, as well as representatives of teachers and students。Specific responsibilities are:

(A) Responsible for the supervision of the implementation of information disclosure work, organize the internal review of school information disclosure work; 

(2) Regularly inspect the school information disclosure work and put forward rectification suggestions;Check whether the disclosure of information is true, whether the disclosure is timely, and whether the procedures are standardized;

(3) Accept reports and complaints about information disclosure, and set up information disclosure supervision complaints telephone and mailbox。

The ninth article  The Information Disclosure Office is located in the Party and government offices and is responsible for handling the daily work of information disclosure。Specific responsibilities are:

(A) to undertake specific information disclosure matters of the university;

(2) To manage, coordinate, maintain and update the university's public information;

(3) To accept, coordinate and respond uniformly to information disclosure applications submitted to the University;

(4) To organize the compilation of information disclosure guidelines, information disclosure catalogs and annual reports on information disclosure work of the university;

(5) Coordinate the confidential review of school information to be disclosed;

(6) Promote the information disclosure of all departments of the university;

(7) Undertake other responsibilities related to information disclosure of the school。

Article ten   Each department of the University shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Rules, establish an information disclosure work organization, which shall be responsible for the specific division of labor and related matters in the information disclosure work of the department。The main person in charge of the administration of each department is the first responsible person for the information disclosure work of the department。

Article 11 All departments of the university shall establish and improve the work system of information disclosure of their own departments, and designate special persons to be responsible for the daily work of information disclosure。The specific responsibilities of the information disclosure staff in each department are:

(1) To undertake specific matters related to the information disclosure of the department;

(2) submit the information to be disclosed for confidential review;

(3) Timely and actively disclose and update the information of the department;

(D) to compile the department's information disclosure items, write the department's information disclosure work annual report, and timely submit to the Party and government office;

Chapter III Scope of disclosure

Article 12 Relevant school departments should take the initiative to disclose the information content includes:

(1) Basic information such as the name, location, nature, purpose, level and scale of the school, internal management system, organizational setup and leadership of the school;

(2) rules and regulations formulated by the University;

(3) School development plan and annual work plan;

(4) the enrollment, examination and admission regulations of various levels and types of academic education, student status management, degree evaluation methods, student appeal channels and procedures;Employment guidance and service for graduates;

(5) major setting, curriculum and teaching plan, laboratory, equipment and equipment allocation and book collection, teaching and scientific research achievements selection, teaching evaluation results organized by the State, etc.;

(6) Student scholarships, grants, tuition waivers, student loans and work-study application and management regulations;

(7) the appointment and removal of cadres, the number of teachers and other professional and technical personnel, the grade of professional and technical posts, the methods of post establishment, management and employment, and the methods for resolving disputes among teachers;

(8) Fee items, basis, standards and complaint methods;

(9) Financial, assets and financial management systems, sources of university funds, annual budget and final accounts, use and management of financial funds and donated assets, procurement of equipment, books and other materials and equipment, and bidding for major infrastructure projects;

(10) the emergency response plan and disposal of major diseases, natural disasters and other emergencies, and the investigation and handling of major incidents involving the school;

(11) Foreign exchanges and Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, and management systems for foreign teachers and students;

(12) Other matters that need to be disclosed according to laws, regulations and rules。

Article 13 The school does not disclose the following information:

(1) Involving state secrets;

(2) involving trade secrets;

(3) involving personal privacy;

(4) Uncertain information in the course of investigation, discussion, deliberation or processing;

(5) related to the investigation and punishment of disciplinary violations, which may directly affect the investigation and punishment after disclosure;

(6) Other information not to be disclosed or not suitable for immediate disclosure in accordance with laws, regulations and rules and the school's management。

The information listed in items (2) and (3) may be disclosed with the consent of the right holder or if the school considers that the non-disclosure may have a significant impact on the public interest。

Article 14 Within a certain period of time, important matters concerning the running of schools shall be disclosed on campus first and then to the public;Relevant important data and materials related to running a school shall be disclosed to the public after examination and approval by the school Information Disclosure work leading group。

Article 15 Before disclosing information, all departments of the University shall conduct confidential examination of the information to be disclosed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets and other laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the State。

If the school is not sure whether the information can be disclosed, it shall report to the relevant departments for confirmation in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the State。

Chapter IV Methods and procedures of disclosure

Article 16 Information voluntarily disclosed by various departments of the university shall be disclosed in one or more of the following ways that conform to its characteristics:

(1) The school website;

(2) The school newspaper;

(3) press conferences and other relevant meetings;

(4) Campus radio and television;

(5) bulletin boards and electronic screens;

(6) Yearbook, meeting minutes or briefing notes;

(7) Other forms that facilitate timely and accurate access to information by teachers, students and other relevant organizations or individuals。

Article 17 Information voluntarily disclosed shall be disclosed in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Information that needs to be disclosed regularly in regular work shall be disclosed by the department authorized by the school to possess the information;

(2) The information that may involve secrets shall be submitted in written form to the Party and government offices for confidentiality review by the information owning department。

Article 18 The school website sets up an information disclosure column, opens an information disclosure suggestion box, and listens to opinions and suggestions on the school information disclosure work through the information disclosure suggestion box。

Article 19 The school shall compile and publish school information disclosure guidelines and information disclosure catalogues, and update them in a timely manner。

Article 20 The school regularly compiled the basic rules and regulations into a book, placed in the office of the relevant internal organizations, archives and other places, provide free access。

The Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Office and other departments are responsible for compiling the student management document system related to the department, and the Personnel Office is responsible for compiling the teacher management system and distributing it to the new students and new teachers when they register。If necessary, new and newly hired teachers should be organized for learning and training。

Article 21 Where the information is actively disclosed or the content of the information is changed, the department that owns the information shall disclose it within 20 working days after the formation of the information or from the date of the change。

If the relevant departments need to solicit the opinions of teachers, students and other school staff for decision-making matters, the period of public solicitation of opinions is generally not less than 10 working days。

Where laws and regulations provide otherwise for the time limit for disclosure of information contents, such provisions shall prevail。

Chapter V information disclosure application procedures

Article 22 In addition to the information voluntarily disclosed by various departments of the university as stipulated, teachers, students, staff, or other organizations and individuals may also apply to the University to obtain relevant information according to their special needs in study, scientific research, work and life。
If the applicant has evidence to prove that the information records provided by the school are inaccurate, the applicant has the right to request the school to correct them;If the school does not have the right to correct it, it shall transfer the case to the department that has the right to correct it and inform the applicant。

Article 23 The procedure for information disclosure is as follows:  

(1) Teachers, students, staff, or other organizations and individuals should submit applications to the Party and government offices;

(2) Clarify the name and contact information of the applicant, and the content description and form requirements of the information applied for disclosure;

(3) To apply for the provision of personal information related to its own tax payment, social security, medical and health care, must present a valid ID card or supporting documents。

Article 24 For the applicant's application for information disclosure, the school authorizes the Party and government Office to respond to the applicant's application for information disclosure according to the following circumstances:

(1) In the case of disclosure, the applicant shall be informed of the way and means of obtaining the information;

(2) If it falls within the scope of not being disclosed, the applicant shall be informed and the reasons given;

(3) If the information is not within the scope of the university's responsibilities or does not exist, the applicant shall be informed; if the department that owns the information can be determined, the applicant shall be informed of the name and contact information of the department;

(4) If the information applied for disclosure contains content that should not be disclosed but can be distinguished, the applicant shall be informed and the information content that can be disclosed shall be provided, and the reasons for the part that is not disclosed shall be explained;

(5) If the content of the application is not clear, the applicant shall be informed to make changes and supplements;If the applicant fails to make corrections within the time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been abandoned;

(6) If the same applicant repeatedly applies to the school for disclosure of the same information without justifiable reasons, and the school has given a reply and the information has not changed, it shall inform the applicant and no longer handle it repeatedly;

(7) Other replies made by the school according to the actual situation。

Article 25 If the school receives a written application for information disclosure and can reply on the spot, it shall reply on the spot。

If you cannot reply on the spot, you should generally reply within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application;If it is necessary to extend the reply period, it shall be agreed by the school information disclosure work leading group, and inform the applicant that the longest extension of the reply period is generally not more than 15 working days。

If the school information applied for disclosure involves the rights and interests of a third party, the time required for the school to solicit the opinions of a third party shall not be counted within the period specified in this article。

Article 26 Applicants who apply to schools for disclosure of information shall present valid identity documents or supporting documents。The school reserves the right to make copies of relevant supporting documents。

Article 27 The school shall not charge other fees for providing information to the applicant, except for the cost of retrieval, reproduction and mailing in accordance with the charging standard set by the provincial price department and the financial department where the school is located。The fees collected shall be incorporated into the financial management of the school。

No department or individual of the university shall provide information through other organizations or individuals in a paid manner。

Chapter VI Supervision and protection

Article 28 School information disclosure shall be subject to supervision and inspection by relevant departments at higher levels。The school will carry out information disclosure work into the school leading cadres post responsibility assessment content。The assessment work can be combined with the year-end assessment。The school Information Disclosure work leading group and the information disclosure work supervision group shall supervise and inspect the implementation of the school information disclosure, and the supervision and inspection shall be attended by representatives of teachers, students and other staff。

Article 29 All departments of the university shall prepare an annual report on the information disclosure work of the previous year and submit it to the Party and government offices at the beginning of July each year。The Party and government office shall be responsible for the compilation of the annual report on school information disclosure work and submit it to the relevant departments at higher levels in accordance with regulations。
The annual report on information disclosure shall include the following contents:

(1) Actively disclosing information;

(2) disclosure of information upon application and refusal to disclose information;

(3) information disclosure fees;

(4) Application for administrative reconsideration or filing of administrative litigation due to information disclosure;

(5) the main problems and improvement of information disclosure work;

(6) Other matters requiring reporting。

Article 30 If the teachers, students and staff of the school and other relevant organizations or individuals believe that the school or relevant departments have failed to fulfill the obligations of information disclosure in accordance with these Rules, they may report to the school information disclosure work leading group or information disclosure work supervision group。The information disclosure working organization that receives the report shall deal with it in a timely manner and inform the informant of the result of the treatment in an appropriate manner。
If the teachers, students and staff of the school and other relevant organizations or individuals believe that the school does not fulfill the obligation of disclosure of school information according to law, they may report to the relevant departments。

Article 31 If any relevant department or individual of the university violates the relevant laws, regulations or the provisions of these Rules, and has one of the following circumstances, the discipline inspection commission of the university or the supervision and audit office shall order it to make corrections;If the circumstances are serious, they shall be notified and criticized, and the directly responsible department leaders and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with relevant provisions:

(1) failing to fulfill the obligation of information disclosure according to law;

(2) failing to update the disclosed information content, information disclosure guidelines and directories in a timely manner;

(3) disclosing information that should not be disclosed;

(4) concealing or fabricating facts in the course of information disclosure;

(5) collecting fees in violation of regulations;

(6) providing information through other organizations or individuals in the form of paid services;

(7) Other acts in violation of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of these Rules。

Article 32 The school shall include the funds needed to carry out the information disclosure work into the annual budget of the school to provide financial guarantee for the school information disclosure work。  

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 33 These Rules shall be interpreted by the Party and Government offices and shall come into force as of October 31, 2012。

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